Tuesday, October 13, 2009


1. Retreat...
My first adult retreat. Meaning my first retreat with all of CCH, including all the EM folk including their families. It was something special that's for sure. Very much not what i expected. A lot happened and I learned a lot. Twas a very personal experience. I would share but it's quite long and I have to provide the background story for it to be significant.
But I will give the outline version
  • CCH seems to be redefining what it means to be a community centered on Christ
  • had a conversation with a brother who in one sitting encouraged me, reconciled alota stuff for me that I doubt he realizes, humbled me, and challenged me. Dang. Crazy for sure...HAHA
  • Made me think about Esther and Mordecai.
  • Getting ready to love hard, when it's hard. "You just gotta humble yourself"

2. Africa...
It's just always in the back of my mind. Planning on leaving in early January for midterm (6 months) in Zimbabwe. I should start asking for prayer now. I feel like God is preparing me...BUT I'll probably still get wrecked. So yes, PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!

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