Friday, October 30, 2009


I have for a long time wanted to start a collection of quotes (inspired from 'A Walk to Remember..LOL) HAHA.. but I really have and in my mind I have been collecting.. from the bible, from peoples wall of quotes on facebook, from random things I read.

Just because they can have all sorts of effects on people. Some are just silly, others sweet, and others super profound. Maye even life-changing. So the below quotes have had one of these effects on me and who knows what kind of effect they will have on you?

"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." -Hebrews 4:12

"Always be kinder than necessary, because every person you meet is struggling through some kind of battle."

"Dont let the fear of striking out prevent you from playing the game." -This and the one above first seen on Calvin Feng's fb

"A woman's heart should be so lost in God, that a man needs to seek the Lord to find her." -first seen on katie's fb i think..

"There's not much you can be sure of in this world, but one thing's for sure: Forrest Gump would have done anything for Jenny." -Yong's most recent blog post

"Sometimes people can get so "heavenly-minded" that they're no earthly good" -Pamela Jourden

"It's better to love than to be right" -Pamela Jourden

"Wanting to be understood is so overrated, what about being right?!" -p. sam (cch) HAHA

"Change is not a requirement for God's love, but a response to to it" -old school p. sam

p.s this is still a work in progress, eventually going to be written down and just maybe...passed on to my lover who will then give it to my child after I'm dead. HAHA jk. But yes these were the only ones i could think of off the top of my head, so I might have paraphrased. If you know the real wording, feel free to correct. Or if you have a bomb quote, do share and i will add it to the book =]

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I am at the library...taking a break from studying. Everyone at the table is taking their turns losing steam and then falling asleep in their chair and then back to concentrate mode again. HAHA it is my turn to waste 5-10 min or so =] But since I aint got no twitter to write about my useless moment-to-moments. I will turn to my beloved blog <3

I have been meaning to write more. I ALMOST wrote this crazy emotional blog yesterday. But RIGHT as I was about to hit 'publish' I was like " i gonna regret this one?" So i just saved it and didnt put it on here. Yes I think it was the right move. Haha these days I am really trying to be sober-minded. Cus being emo/emotional/filled with emotion (not good ones) can usually lead to some poor, unncessary, regrettable judgement aaand decisions.


Oright. Back to studying I go! KABLAAM!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


"God be the solution" -Hillsong

Lately, as in the past few years, but especially this year I've been learning just HOW hurtful and poisonous gossip is. This past Sunday I was in class with my 7th-8th graders and we were talking about gossip.

Often we think "but it's just venting" or "im not the one who said it/started the rumor/lied, I'm just saying what i heard" or "is it a sin if I thought it was the truth but it turned out that it wasnt"

Yea. It's all sin. HAHA. I call it "poisoning each other's minds." If you hadn't already noticed, our minds are quite impressionable. And honestly, hearing things (good/bad) about someone changes the way we view that person --> how we treat that person. O yes, the way you feel about someone WILL show and others WILL notice and others WILL be affected.

Ah, but the best one, the sneakiest (Satan's favorite kinds)

"it's just my opinion, I can have an opinion." HAH.

Yes of course opinions are allowed. But I'ma just go out on a limb and say that if we're truly seeking to be Christlike and actually LIVE out what the bible says, not just preach it to people while having no integrity, then we ought to strive for a higher standard. Haha what's one of the fruits of the Spirit? Self control. Control your crazy and reckless desire to spew out your opinions. Yea it's freaking hard, but it's the better thing. I am learning it too.

Ok. Haha I am praying and asking for discernment LORD! Please, tell me if confrontation is necessary. Because oowee I have had my share of BAD ones when they weren't guided by your Spirit. Help me listen patiently for your wisdom, and as I wait please give me peace in my heart, cus I'm burning.


1. Retreat...
My first adult retreat. Meaning my first retreat with all of CCH, including all the EM folk including their families. It was something special that's for sure. Very much not what i expected. A lot happened and I learned a lot. Twas a very personal experience. I would share but it's quite long and I have to provide the background story for it to be significant.
But I will give the outline version
  • CCH seems to be redefining what it means to be a community centered on Christ
  • had a conversation with a brother who in one sitting encouraged me, reconciled alota stuff for me that I doubt he realizes, humbled me, and challenged me. Dang. Crazy for sure...HAHA
  • Made me think about Esther and Mordecai.
  • Getting ready to love hard, when it's hard. "You just gotta humble yourself"

2. Africa...
It's just always in the back of my mind. Planning on leaving in early January for midterm (6 months) in Zimbabwe. I should start asking for prayer now. I feel like God is preparing me...BUT I'll probably still get wrecked. So yes, PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!

Monday, October 5, 2009


so a few entries ago i shared about how my mom recently learned how to use internet. And since then she has been emailing me, eumi, and my brother daily devotionals. She just copies the bible verse from The Daily Bread (which we've gotten since before I was born. It's seriously one of the constants in my life) But tonight's email was great. I will share.

p.s My mom calls reading the Daily Bread devotionals "eating the foods"

Hi chidrens,how are you? now I feel much ,look like back to normal, I just came back from beautiful 70' year birthday party,one of church member It was outdoor ganden party music was so good ! piano violin chello , lots of flowers nice decoration,best things I like worship part It was well design you know who was , He was vitamin lady's husband. anyway it was good time. by the way ,your father getting s/s benefit from now on he recieving $1060 q.month,he is very happy,Let's eat foods
Your faith should not be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.[1 Corinthins2;5]
this mortal life is far too brief,eternity too vast, to follow human sophistries and lose the soul at last
good night ...... please pray for eurri's exam.10-29-09 ok.

hehe one more....

Hi eugene eurri eumi
How is everything , now days life is very tough mommy has very difficult time I do not know what to do but I trust my Lord whatever He lead me, I will follow with full of thanks , Pray for me so Iwill not lose my control,
anyway,let's eat food otherwise we will die,
"Are you distracted ? "
Martha was distracted with much serving.[Luke 10;40]
If you are too busy for God, you are too busy.
Help me not to busy that I fail to devote time each day to prayer and reading Your Word

Saturday, October 3, 2009


what the.. why is there a slice of cake on my blog dashboard? Anyone else notice that ?

Today I got owned in youth group. I dont know why but it seems that all the teachers just had a super hard time tonight at bible study. It was one of those "wow what am i doing here, someone else can do such a better job" wanting to quit kinda moments. ALMOST wanted to cry because I felt so discouraged. But thank Holy Spirit for saving me. And reminding me that God is pleased with faithfulness, not success.

Today I was humbly reminded that I am straight up worthless as a teacher. Dang. I am in such need of Holy Spirit to work in and through me. But I am really thankful. These "Wow, I suck" moments bring us to our knees in prayer.

In other news...

Tis the season to be _____.

Is it just me? Or do people get real emo during holiday season? Something about the cold? Haha you know what I think it is. Tis the season where brokenness is revealed. Loneliness, brokenness in families, feeling of being unloved. It just gets expressed in all sorts of forms. Wanting a gf/bf, hating the holidays, being bitter. Maybe if you're really expressive in one of these areas you are broken? We're all broken. The holidays just seem to bring it out more. People think more or something this season as opposed to lazy/busy summer time? I realized that alota times when people get emo they think "it's stupid, I just need to get over it." Maybe! But if it's something that comes up again and again then no dude. You dont need to JUST get over it. You need to ADDRESS it. Bring that crap into the light and be freed. From someone who has had a history of struggling with random "emo" moments, let me tell you that there is a root. And instead of shaving it off at the surface you need to laser that sucker out! Into Marvelous Light I'm running. the marvelous laser light of God. Yes, lasers burn. But God has some mighty healing powers. Mighty indeed.

Tis the season to be jolly