Monday, March 23, 2009

Finally some real closure

Man, I think what I was afraid of most was becoming strangers, of him just completely forgetting this huge chunk of my life. But now I can truly say that I'm letting go of the good, for the great. I'm letting go of the old, good, and first relationship I've ever had and allowing myself to sink deeper than ever into the arms of my beloved. What a testament of God's amazing reconciling power for us to move on, selflessly cheering each other on without a hint of judgement. Really allowing the love that we had for each other to become purified into trusting that whatever decisions we make in the future will be led by God's hand. Who am I to judge which of his decisions are being obedient to God's will. How can I say that being single is following God's plan for him or if dating some kind of person isn't God's plan for him? Really.

And now. Peace. Letting go of all hurts. Moving forward to what is great. And by that I dont necessarily mean a better relationship with a guy. But for me, that great is being obedient to God and allowing Him to mold my heart into His. Sure a great husband in a few years would be awesome. But more awesome is to be fully satisfied in my God and Savior no matter where I am, however old I am, with whatever status I am. That is truly GREAT. Mmm. Praise you God for your sovereignty and for being perfectly good. Would you help me to be completely content in you forever!