Friday, December 4, 2009

The Wonderful Cross, indeed

Man o man! what is up with this season of my life JESUS??

so lately (meaning past couple of months or so) God has just been crushing me with a greater sense of my fallen-ness, in the "I CANT DO ANYTHING (on my own)" sense and not just mine but like the fallen-ness of humanity. Just the brokenness and weight of sin, not just the "sad" part about it but like the wow, it's so deep and it's so far from God's perfection, His Holiness. And the more I realize how steeped we are in sin, I also realize dang what a crazy thing the cross is and what it did. What a crazy God to DO that! Makes you like shake your head, or wanna fall on your face! HAHAA.

And just today, I realized another crazy thing about the cross that we call marvelous. [But whenever I would sing those songs about the cross it didnt really seem that wonderful to me. I mean yes sorta, but now it's even more amazingly so]

So, if you know me. I usually like to listen to other people's burdens. Like i know some people dont like to share their struggles because they dont want to burden others, but I actually dont mind. But then, just lately, I've found that wow some burdens I really cant carry because they truly feel burdensome to me. {These are usually only the ones that I'm somehow involved in and are the ongoing, seemingly unresolvable conflicts} Not that I dont want to hear them though. But it just made me realize something...

That the brokenness of sin is something really heavy.

And makes me think back to the cross. We sing

You took my sin upon Your shoulders

or Love that takes the weight of the world

Almost makes me want to cuss is how crazy that is. AHAHAHA jk MY GOD Forgive us when we sing "worship" so meaninglessly. Forgive us that we're either too ignorant, selfish, jaded, or stupid (sinful) to understand the cross. Have mercy Father!

Open up our hearts that we would know you