Tuesday, October 13, 2009


"God be the solution" -Hillsong

Lately, as in the past few years, but especially this year I've been learning just HOW hurtful and poisonous gossip is. This past Sunday I was in class with my 7th-8th graders and we were talking about gossip.

Often we think "but it's just venting" or "im not the one who said it/started the rumor/lied, I'm just saying what i heard" or "is it a sin if I thought it was the truth but it turned out that it wasnt"

Yea. It's all sin. HAHA. I call it "poisoning each other's minds." If you hadn't already noticed, our minds are quite impressionable. And honestly, hearing things (good/bad) about someone changes the way we view that person --> how we treat that person. O yes, the way you feel about someone WILL show and others WILL notice and others WILL be affected.

Ah, but the best one, the sneakiest (Satan's favorite kinds)

"it's just my opinion, I can have an opinion." HAH.

Yes of course opinions are allowed. But I'ma just go out on a limb and say that if we're truly seeking to be Christlike and actually LIVE out what the bible says, not just preach it to people while having no integrity, then we ought to strive for a higher standard. Haha what's one of the fruits of the Spirit? Self control. Control your crazy and reckless desire to spew out your opinions. Yea it's freaking hard, but it's the better thing. I am learning it too.

Ok. Haha I am praying and asking for discernment LORD! Please, tell me if confrontation is necessary. Because oowee I have had my share of BAD ones when they weren't guided by your Spirit. Help me listen patiently for your wisdom, and as I wait please give me peace in my heart, cus I'm burning.

1 comment:

  1. haha yea i had this problem whenever leading a small group or bible study group.. i didnt know what to do, if i shut them down they might not feel comfortable to come to me or the group to share, but if i let them continue, it was obviously effecting the other people opinions of the person being talked about... yea discernment from the spirit is key, something i shouldve prayed more for...

    thanks for your prayers!! i hope god reveals what he wants to do through you!
