Monday, August 31, 2009

All fired out

These fires... they're making me crazy. I seriously had a little crazy time in my car last night trying to figure out where to go. And the combination of not getting enough sleep the night before + seriously needing to start my period + the news + the crazy sky looking like atomic bombs went off and the mountains looking like volcanoes + my crazy mind + my capacity to feel brokenness in this world + listening to Jesus music = mini emotional breakdown HAHAHA. I was a hot mess, crying and laughing as i was driving. Crying because I'd get overwhelmed by everything and then laughing thinking "wow. I'm being crazy. HAHA calm down.. its not even bad" LOL

But thank you Jesus for delivering me into a safe place. First into hope and reassurance of God's sovereignty. Over all and always. Second I am very thankful for people who can really remind me of God's love and goodness, in tiny and big ways. Thank you to everyone for housing me and thank you to those who comforted me when i was being mad. haha. we can look like Maya from heroes together. AHAHA

Most people dont even know/care really about what's happening. But its crazy. People are losing their homes. Some people are watching their homes burn. And then all of a sudden i thought about homeless people. How empty they must feel not belonging, displaced. Not belonging to a place, and some not belonging to people. What a deep sadness. Then I thought how amazing it is that I do belong somewhere, not merely a home but a heavenly place. I belong in heaven.

Seriously. Who am i to have this hope. And I was reminded last night as I was talking to a sister, who am I for God to intervene and save me from sin when it says how God gave some over to their sins. It really is amazing and unexplainable grace.

O man... blogging makes me think of more to blog about. HAHA more later.


  1. Mmmm, I've had those thoughts many times before. Always need those reminders. Otherwise we forget...

  2. Heaven's our real home. Homie.
